The city of Vale would like to remind residents to check with their own homeowners insurance after storm damage.
The city and sheriffs office is aware of solicitors are in town currently to help residents with insurance claims due to the recent Hail damage.
These solicitors should have a solicitor’s registration from the city before speaking with residents. Please ask for identification and a copy of the solicitor’s registration form if you choose to speak with any solicitors.
If you have any issues or concerns with a solicitor, please contact the sheriff’s office non-emergency number. 541-473-5125
The following is a message from Malheur County Bldg. Dept.
Consumer Alert:
After the damaging hail storm in our area there were some unlicensed contractors approaching members in our community.
All contractors in Oregon are required to be licensed by the Oregon Contractor Board. All advertising material is required to have their Oregon CCB license number on it. You can always check a license number or name on the CCB website, link below. The Malheur County Building Department can also assist you checking.
Thank you all for looking out for your neighbors and brining this matter forward.