Review Body: Planning Commission
Hearing Date: November 13, 2023
Hearing Time: 6:00 p.m. MT
Hearing Location: This meeting is in person at Vale City Hall
150 Longfellow St N. Vale, OR 97918.
Also accessible to the public via phone and video connection.
Join with the Zoom app on your computer, tablet, or
smartphone (using your device’s microphone and speakers):
Meeting ID – 225 421 4421
Passcode – 048643
Phone: 1 669 444 9171
Proposal: From the application: “It is proposed that six triplex/fourplex units with a building envelope footprint of around 3200 Sqft will use around 20,000 sqft of Tax Lot 1500 leaving ample room for off street parking and common use areas. . . . The available usable area also allows a recreation area for use as a playground, picnic area communal garden, and possibly a separate dog park. . . . The concept may include a combination of townhomes/condominiums and rentals.”
Review Body: Planning Commission (Type III review)
Property Owner: David M. Roberts, Ryan Vandecouvering
P.O. Box 125
Vale, OR 97918
Applicant: David M. Roberts, Ryan Vandecouvering
Address/Location: The proposed conditional use is located at 350 Elm St., Vale, Oregon
Map/Tax Lot: Malheur County Assessor’s Map No. 18S45E19DC; Tax Lot 1500
Zoning: V-R1 Single Family Residential
Conditional Use Staff Report
Conditional Use Exhibits